Plants vs Zombies Heroes Impressions

If you have never been on the Plants vs Zombies hype train, then for shame! They are one of the darn cutest new IP of the last decade. Their breakout strategy game back in 2009 started a PvZ craze that has spawned a sequel and now a few spin offs. The first spin off was Garden Warfare, a game that had no right to be as good as it was. It took a 2D cellphone game and turned it into a console third person shooter. It sadly came out at the same time as Titanfall, but I never kept my eye off of it and a year after it's release I really got into the multiplayer focused game. With a sequel to that game already released, the developer Popcap seemed to turn their turn their attention in a new direction, and have turned PvZ into a card battling game.

Collectable card games have been a niche rage for I'd say 20 years now, with Magic the Gathering being the big dawg in town. But with the digital age a new crop of card adventures have come to the forefront, and the one setting the example is Blizzard's Hearthstone. It's free to play model with card packs as microtransactions has been a consistent money maker for years. Now PvZ has decided to try their hand at the genre with Plants vs Zombies Heroes, and card and lane based battling game. The game cleverly ties the strife between plants and zombies, while still paying homage to the original structure of the first game. With the full crew of old and new plants and zombies in your arsenal, this game is quite expansive with its roster.

I have to admit I didn't pay too much of this game yet, as it's repetitive nature did not grow on me very quickly. Where playing the same cards and decks in Hearthstone could have me hooked for months, PvZ heroes it's a fun experiment, but didn't have any lasting power for me. After playing the few baked in single player levels, I had no anticipation to take my game online and spar against another human. I don't want to fault the game for my gaming moods, but it does say something about the experience if I wasn't drawn in enough to try out the game's main mode.

My recomendation is if you are into card battling games or the Plants vs Zombie games this is something you should give a try. It ran smoothly on my phone, and it's free to download. It might not be something you play everyday, or gives you that satisfying game completed kinda feel, but it's a fun distraction for those fans of the series. I guess the only other thing to do is see what other genre Popcap takes PvZ next.

If you've played the game, let me know what you thought of it by leaving a comment. I haven't uninstalled it quite yet, so if anyone wants to show me their true power on the battlefield, I'll gladly take on the challenge.


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