My first time at IGN

I've been wondering what it would be like to visit IGN's offices ever since I started following their site pretty closely a few years back. The videos just don't do it justice. I finally got my opportunity yesterday. The illustrious podcast Beyond celebrated a milestone event, their 300th episode, by hosting one killer of an event at their headquarters. Myself and 400 other fans packed ourselves in a small room to witness Greg Miller, Colin Moriarty, and Andrew Goldfarb do their thing. The podcast was amazing and had a slew of guests including Chris Roper, Ryan Clements, and Shuhei Yoshida. I got to meet Ryan McCaffrey, head of Xbox at IGN and host of podcast unlocked (which I follow intently) and also got to meet up with Mitch Dyer co-host of the same show and personal buddy (we've met twice, were buddies now). I also interrupted Mark Ryan Sallee's time to ask where the Tech Fetish Fresca machine was. He is as handsome as they make him out to be. I did not end up with fresca though, the machine was taped closed. I saw some of my other favorites from IGN while I was there, including Marty Sliva, Sean Allen, Craig Beridon, and Nick Scarpino. All in all it was an amazing day. Being there for the first time is something I can never experience again and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. Thank you to everyone that helped make this day special, you guys really do amazing things. With love, Beyond!


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