The life of a writer

Hello San Fransisco! I hope I'm not interrupting anything. I'm currently in the big city taking a little time off, but also to visit IGN for the first time. So far I have not seen much of the city, at least not yet (the local transit scared me after my experience leaving the airport), but just being here has inspired me to push myself harder to write more. San Fransisco is home to a lot of great things when it comes to the video game community, and I'm here to take that all in.

I'm crashing on an old friends couch and I after only being here for 12 hours I can already tell this is going to be a fun trip. The two guys I am staying with are currently developing a games and knee deep I'm the games industry. Getting to hear about their story and their lives in San Fransisco is life inspiring. That's why I'm writing right now! If I want to be a writer I need to take action. Does it have to be about games? Nope. Can it be about the two guys I'm crashing with while having the oddest vacation of my life? Hell yeah!

If these guys can push them selves to become better designers, better programmers, and better artists, I should be able to push myself to write more, start up video content, and podcast more. Come to think of it Nike has a solid catch phrase, "Just Do It". If I want to be a video game journalist I need to write more. I do have one really big project in the works that I'm very excited about, and I'll probably spend a good chuck of this vacation working on that. One is never enough though. Maybe I need to rehash some of my old segments that died. I out right admited that I was never good with keeping up with reoccurring segments, but I'll try it again. I know you all miss them.

I want to close this out by thanking all of you who support me. Everyone who gives me words of encouragement or helpful critiques, they really do mean the world to me and it's what keeps me going and trying harder. And for those who let me crash on your couch while I visit a city I might one day move to, my hat is off to you as well. Thanks everybody, and as always... Until next time, cheers!


  1. Hey man hope the west coast is treating you well. So I just powered through a bunch of your post here. Ive gotta say im impressed I like how you explain the games without revealing to much. Just enough to make it interesting yet still informative. Ide just like to say keep it up man. And keep pushing towards your goal man I think youll be alright. Jim


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