30 Day Videogame Challenge

Hey all! Here is the surprise you have all been waiting for. Actually quick quiz, how many people reading this actually were looking forward to this surprise? Leave a one word comment below if you could. You can comment anonymously so you all have no excuse.

Back to what I was saying, the big surprise is that I'm going to do the 30 Day Videogame Challenge. It's not as challenging as the title sounds, but fun none the less. A few friends of mine did this what must have been a year ago, and I told them all I would do it too. So here I am, fulfilling that promise.

The 30 Day Videogame Challenge is a list of videogame moments that I'm going to tailor to my own life. The first one is "What was your first videogame?" They are not terribly hard, but it's nice to look back on all the games I have played in my life and tell that story.

So to kick things off "What was your first videogame?"

Obviously thinking back this far is a bit tough. I mean I was born in 1987 and the first game console in my house was an NES which was already out when is was born. But I also remember playing computer games with my grandfather back when I was young. As cliche as it sounds I'm pretty sure my first videogame was...

That's right Super Mario Bros, the game that not only started it all for me, but for many. I remember having the Mario/ Duck Hunt cart. We had the Zapper for Duck Hunt and two controllers for Mario. I have no clue how we got all this stuff, I was so young at the time and my parents are the farthest thing from gamers.

I remember my neighbors had an NES too. They let me borrow their games all the time. They had the gold Zelda cart. I remember trying to play that game and getting totally lost. I still get lost playing it. A lot of fond memories from the NES though, Chip and Dales Rescue Rangers, Darkwing Duck, and of course all three Mario games.

I played Mario one quite a bit, but I feel like I played Mario three a lot more. I remember a lot more from that game than I do most of the other ones.

One regretful summer I sold my NES at a yard sale with all my games. I had the SNES at that point and didn't play it anymore. A pretty dumb move, but it is what it is.

What was your first game? I encourage you to leave it in a comment below. Check back tomorrow and everyday this month for updates in the 30 Day Videogame Challenge.



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you anonymous for your elegant words.

  2. i got a bunch of games with my first Game Boy, but my favorite was Final Fantasy Adventure, which really was nothing like the modern Final Fantasy series but was a single-player (sometimes paired with a single NPC with unique attacks/powers) hack and slash in a gigantic world with tons of different weapons and strategies. Such a huge game for 1989 on a Game Boy. I wasted hundreds of AA batteries on that game.

    1. Great first favorite game. I remember going back and playing this game. I fell in love with Secret of Mana on the SNES and Final Fantasy Adventure was the first game in the series, so I had to go back and play it. I'm sure you crushed it more than I did, I didn't play it too long.

  3. Replies
    1. Aladdin was a lot of fun. That was your first game?

  4. I also, had Super Mario / Duckhunt. I'm pretty sure Super Mario 3 was the first game I beat.

    1. Not sure I ever beat SMB3. I can't remember the end if I did.

  5. The first one I remember being MINE as in I chose it, played it, beat it was Donkey Kong for the Game Boy. Turning up the contrast as batteries died was pro.

    1. How many games did you play before you were able to make the choice to play Donkey Kong?


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